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Webinar Recording (Length 1:26:51)


We choose to go to the Moon

Choosing a Space Age or a Stone Age

An ethical discussion by Dr. James Schwartz and Dr. Marco C. Bernasconi

ZOOM Webinar
Thursday, April 15, 2021. at 18.00 CEST

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Remo Rapetti: Introduction (5')
Dr. James Schwartz: Space Ethics and the Moon: Potential Conflicts of Duty (20')
Dr. Marco C. Bernasconi: When Laws Fail: Ethical Advice for Protecting Human Beings, not Ideologies (20')
Arthur Woods: Q&A session (15')

Dr. James S.J. Schwartz is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Wichita State University. His research focuses on philosophical and ethical questions that arise in space exploration and space policy. He is author of The Value of Science in Space Exploration (Oxford University Press, 2020) and co-editor with Tony Milligan of The Ethics of Space Exploration (Springer, 2016). His research also appears in journals such as Advances in Space Research, Acta Astronautica, Space Policy, Astropolitics, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Environmental Ethics, Ethics & the Environment, and others. He has also contributed to numerous edited collections on the ethics of space exploration, most recently to Human Enhancements for Space Missions (Springer, 2020) and Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy (Wiley, 2021).

Dr. Marco C. Bernasconi is a Swiss expert in lightweight structures, astronautical systems, and astronautics and society assessments. During his career he gained extensive experience in the development of ultralight structure technologies and application designs. He has repeatedly served as a consultant to the European Space Agency for futures assessment (1995-97, 2001-2003), and contributed to a number of study groups within the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), of which he’s been a full member since 1995. In addition to his engineering career, he has authored a number of papers on the ethical, societal and cultural aspects of astronautics specifically supporting the Space Option concept.

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